Track Listing:
1. Feedback
2. Synchronicities at Random
2. Synchronicities at Random
4. Ether
5. Badge of Pain
6. Death by Fear
7. Multiverse
8. Ouroboros
9. Changes in Venus
10. Beyond
11. Don't by Me Money
12. Hijacked Light
13. The Night Shift
could really use a disappearing act right now
instead I’ll wear this smile unless it wears you out
you and I speed straight through these towns
like all roads are leading out
you know I have things I don’t talk about
you’re the one who understands
what I’m trying to do here now
a little too far in to clearly see out
a little too far out to shut this thing down
and now it seems like no matter what I do
the only way out is through
when you look at me
you don’t look like you’re wasting time
they say don’t waste your breath
but I liked wasting mine
because I know it’s easier not to try
like how one time I thought it was easy to die
then you do not have to strive to justify
to the whos the hows whens wheres and whys
and now it seems like no matter what I do
the only way out is through
a life sentence to a lovely déjà vu
at least I have you caught in my feedback loop
we have all we need to continue on
won’t get it right until we realize
cant get it wrong
for every solution they say there is none
for every solution is there a new problem
and now it seems like no matter what I do
the only way out is througha life sentence to a lovely déjà vu
at least I have you caught in my feedback loop
I knew I should get off that ride
before it stopped being fun
and now I’m ready to get back on
Synchronicities at Random
lately I get a feeling I am waiting for something but nothing in particular is waiting for me quietly but quickly coming you redefine my reality another friend I didn’t plan on synchronicities at random I’ll never say I’ve seen it all but I hope to so I can die with a yawn as I calm my nervous twitch and ever present traveling itch on the search for the perfect conscience a new light to cross my DNA with golden ratio measurements they don’t flow everything’s going metric another glitch we didn’t plan on synchronicities at random I’ll never say I’ve seen it all but I hope to so I can die with a yawn I would trade everything magical in for one thing mystical street lady with a crystal ball sticking pins into the head of a doll says hold out your palm I’ll read you well cuz they can’t read you at all another guide I didn’t plan on synchronicities at random don’t ever say you’ve seen it all but when you do remember to stay calm rivers wind from an untraceable source stars in orbit seem to find their course when I get lost is not a lost cause can’t get back the way it was life is complicated life is hard some get bitter some get bored while others get even others get even more astronomical observations are being made in the Vatican loopholes are connecting the spiritual and profane intersecting we coexist or we vanish we coexist or we vanish
Desert Flood
I need someone to help me through this where is the gospel according to Judas I admit it I did it my helpful mind made angel and your deceitful man made devil are they one I see no difference once you see through the mirage does it get easier to focus maybe I should take a walk outside maybe I should take a look inside to exist transparent but these days why am I afraid of my own honesty do I offend you I sure don’t mean to if I hold it in I’ll turn colors for you my cultural chameleon is shining through desert flood nature I trust is just seeking delicate balance desert flood lick my dust why when you come do you come all at once in a wave of exhaustion I crashed and burned onto your shores darling where I finally learned grasping is clinging and every undercover wreck eventually drowns in their own torment saturated or elevated with all the flaura and fauna in bloom in the beauty of a funeral flower I saw youth desert flood nature I trust is just seeking delicate balance desert flood lick my dust why when you come do you come all at once where is the gage for sensitivity if they teach us to measure our worth by degrees you’re all knowing but overflowing with all of these technological means of quick communicating I need some sacred mediums knowledge is one salvation where revelations become realizations until I am one with oblivion in the desert
waking up alarmed by an unset clock
waiting our whole lives to put this off
last minute translation for transition
all interpretation
are we out of our element trying to think in future tense
some say all is fifty-fifty chance
either it will or it won’t happen
earth on fire over wind or water
where is this ether
many will distort what they reveal
as well as others hide what they conceal
still life scenes are still surreal
at the closing of their deals
earth on fire over wind or water
where is this ether
what if all the elements bleed into one
and they try to tell us it’s just friction
what if all the elements bleed into one
and it’s so efficient they cover it up
as we’re about to run out of road
and pay for it as we go
changes here disguised as growth
moving backwards when moving back and forth
changes here disguised as growth
moving backwards when moving back and forth
where is this ether
what if all the elements bleed into one
and they try to tell us it’s just friction
what if all the elements bleed into one
and it’s so efficient they cover it up
Badge of Pain
I have nothing new to say to anybody when I’m trying to say what I wish somebody told me bad luck is no excuse for all these bad habits do you think it’s only happened to you where’s your perspective looking back I knew exactly what you were saying but not the backhanded way you were saying it to me you thought nobody would find out you thought nobody would see nobody is somebody like me and I refuse to participate in these competitive games I hope we take what comes our way and handle it with grace indeed it takes tragedy to teach you who you are but I have no respect when you try to play it like a trump card as you redundantly speak with bold raw confidence about the ways you’ve been wronged when others just sit silent does it make you mad you’re not the only one who had it bad why does it make you sad the future is more real than the past and the meaning you attach is always greater than the actual event leverage is knowing what you have but not using it so the next time you pull out your badge of pain for all to see I’ll gladly bow out of these contests for sympathy I’ll gladly bow out I think I’ve won my peace for nowDeath by Fear preliminary panic feeds hypochondriacs I live on high alert I don’t live for the aftermath and it’s making me sick we make ourselves sick heads left to spin on a lonely axis before I become your new statistic I’d like to join the dead serious poets pages and pages of paranoia flow
until all my defense mechanisms are go
if I stare at the wall long enough like that
maybe the wall will start staring back
as media holds the mirror of public opinion
because they like animals attacking their own reflection
I mixed up the head count with the body count
can I drink the water now
why are those planes leaving clouds
death by fear is killing my spirit here
with storms ahead suddenly it’s clear
tomorrow still comes around here
if you take an emergency and renew it periodically
is there any room to breathe the life back into me
with all this weaponry there’s four pound of dynamite
for every man woman and child alive
this planet could be blown up nine times over
if the right dominos fall in the correct order
that’s how the west was won
and now the rest is gone
if western civilization thrives on intimidation
death by fear is killing my spirit here
with storms ahead suddenly it’s clear
tomorrow never comes around here
if I am nothing more than some animated matter
why pick it apart lets put this thing together
nobody sees every side to anybody
around here we try with chemistry with symmetry
our language speaks it’s energy
when I think of it does it think in me
are we creating or revealing
stream of consciousness drain the life out of me
I’m having that dream we go without sleep
I seep through your pores every open door
gets me out of my head and back into yours
where the world is a metaphor
our minds created to explore
it's coming through us in leaps and bounds
when I don’t open up it shuts me down
examination at the medicine wheel
free association vivid detail
how close to close is close enough
we make our love but why make it about us
stream of consciousness drain the life out of me
I’m having that dream where we go without sleep
I seep through your pores every open door
gets me out of my head and back into yours
where the world is a metaphor
our minds created to explore
if I am nothing more than some chemical reactions
push my buttons lets see what happens
can experiments read the mind of god
the god of your choice in an equation
and with a theory of everything
would there be exploring or exploiting
how many shades of grey will we need
to paint a psychedelic picture merging these frames of mind
where memories bleed in black and white show me an inbetween
stream of consciousness drain the life out of me
I’m still having that dream we go without sleep
I seep through your pores every open door
gets me out of my head and back into yours
where the world is a metaphor and nothing more
shhhh don’t interrupt my cell cycles with the toxic and artificial
the invisible divisible atom is at our disposal
as we discard modern discipline it looks like eventual ruin
can I embrace your compassion effortless effort in every motion
stream of consciousness drain the life out of me
what I don’t offer you today will you take tomorrow anyway I’m the shape-shifter you say you’re the navigator let’s trade nice to see you again old friend tossing and turning the same things up again every sign will exist none as a sign of weakness in the meantime in the in between time may you find time is now all my sacrifice is not in vain is there a hole where your heart used to be I’ll fill it in with simplicity in scarcity my charity transcending opposites like a father sun and mother galaxy reunited to fly above all there is diving deep into it in the meantime in the in between time may you find time is now you could have read the book of life in my eyes instead you had your own gold to mine humble me until I’m on my knees please don’t mistake it for praying humble me until I’m on my knees and we’ll see whose begging in the meantime in the in between time may you find time is now take it from me can’t take it with you take it from me and leave my home alone
Changes in Venus
they put me in a box so I can corner you corner me when you need a change in view our bodies like prison glass they let us see through you’ll slip me something good won’t you I don’t need anything anymore except space a little more room for a new fall from grace I see a little of myself in your face can you walk by a mirror without looking at yourself sideways maybe in us we see changes in Venus sister why must they pit ourselves again us why would I want to stick out if I am stuck it gets me down we get so hung up inside the petty and frivolous all drama climaxes into a mind fuck maybe in us we see changes in venus sister why must they pit ourselves against us following phases mixed with the solar system why use self-destructive self-medication to numb the excess in this civilization now self-deprivation is used like confidence and cat-calls confused as compliments maybe in us we see changes in Venus sister why must they pit ourselves against us following phases mixed with the solar system it would be oh so easy to sit and play along in a play where it’s our part to play dead or play dumb but I prefer the examples of women who dream the thoughts of history with one eye open
more is going on here than we can see gather your resources we are participating in a quite unique time in human history it’s no longer about you it never was about me have we evolved beyond strange the questions of modern science are being searched for in cultures deceased and ancient with their numbers and calculations did they pre-echo our current situation have we evolved beyond what we’re capable of personal and political piling of defenses it’s incredible the inevitable consequences of failing to pay attention young minds increasingly hyperactive make the connections as human history pushes harder to go a little bit further we may find we hit the wall faster and wake up like clock work going through the motions or like robots in mental starvation don’t let the details become the distraction don’t let them turn your passion into a possession have we evolved to become our own problem we now must solve get back to basics reach ascension bridge the distance between knowledge and wisdom as human rights activists tell this ethical dilemma wow are we treating future generations have we evolved beyond what we’re capable of have we evolved to become our own problem we now must solve overhaul it all
Don't Buy Me Money
I was getting pretty good with numbers and still felt bad on a scale from one to ten so I looked into some wise old philosophies did they all say one thing don’t buy me money if it looks like debt don’t buy me a lot of things if I don’t need them this isn’t human, it’s not even humane some pay their dues in a different way maybe if Jesus owned the world bank he’d have enough reason to quit holidays with all the nick nack patty wack crap in the way would he stop and say don’t buy me money if it looks like debt don’t buy me a lot of things if I don’t need them with the lengths we go to stretch beyond our means see an ego surplus and arguing if I don’t stimulate the economy am I a bad citizen am I a commie soon enough you’ll have to piss in a cup before they let you sing songs or let your mouth open up don’t buy me money if it looks like debt don’t buy me a lot of things I really don’t need them this society could take years off my life other than that I do not feel deprived
Hijacked Light
things are looking up and I’m by your side watch the moon shine through the power lines two of a kind only hijacked light the sun the source around we go as above so below we wax we wane we whine we blame we disappear and reappear as much over there as over here we have the world at our feet lets not turn it into concrete I used to find myself in the meadow can’t get centered inside a ghetto are the effigies my home I’m coming back and I am my own I remember thinking what are we thinking nothing adding up adds up to nothing self activate me self motivate me I’ll listen hard I’ll listen fast a time to think a time to act don’t need a preacher Don’t need a teacher don’t need a speaker Not even a leader show me someone who knows how to be here lives here and does it well no need to inflate nor degrade the self this is right now we’re alright now show me how you dream outloud this is right now we’re alright now prodigal daughters and bastard child saints well on their way to the next phase I used to find myself in the meadow can’t get centered inside a ghetto are the effigies my home I’m coming back and I am my own
The Night Shift
our studies like most studies have shown the greatest disagreements happen when nobody knows the rules have changed so must the game this place has changed and we’re changing place has the world been turned upside down so many times we think it’s right side up right now what comes from within can go without as this whole thing shifts are you coming around any omnipresent sympathetic being knows you can look at something twice and not know what you are seeing something is broken in our depth perception we’ve got it down to an inexact science has the world been turned upside down so many times we think it’s right side up right now what comes from within can go without as they come in shifts are you coming around my studies like your studies have shown what sent the world spinning can spin out of control what kind of facts are we dealing with as the unconscious comes to the surface a slow division of the masses explain highly unlikely yes we'll take it into our head
we'll take it into our hands
keep making plans