by Joleen Jansen
Thanks to the entertainment venues listed on this page, who not only support pages like ON STAGE, the Clayton County Register's new entertainment review series, but more importantly provide venues for area artists to perform. Northeast Iowa is not nearly as devoid of live music listening opportunities, as one would think at first glance or should I say first listen. Over the next six months look forward to reading about the gifted performers that dwell and perform in Northeast Iowa.
This Month's Featured artist: Michelle Lynn
A 2004 MFL-MarMac graduate and a 2006 graduate of NICC, Michelle Lynn, at age 20, is writing and performing songs with wisdom beyond her years. After listening to her performances one would think songwriting and the guitar have been her lifelong passions. Her voice comes out confident and reassured, her songs possess tightly woven lyrics and her guitar playing ability is inspiring and mature.